Wednesday, May 3, 2006

39 weeks - update

I went to the DR today...still dialated to 2. I was really hoping that it would be more, but no such luck! I had a non-stress test done after my appointment just to make sure the baby is doing well, since he/she is so low and not moving as much as before. Turns out that everything looks good! My doctor is on call this weekend (Fri-Mon), so maybe the baby will come then. We'll see! I think tomorrow I am going to vacuum out my car and clean out the garage - maybe the activity will help things along?! I keep praying that this little peanut comes soon - I'm ready to meet him/her!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted you to know that I have been following your pregnancy through the blog...I just didn't know that I could make comments back.
    Truman & I still think it's going to be a boy (John Daniel, right?) John's dad told us the name choices when he was down in Texas last week. I don't remember the girl name because I didn't think it would be relevant!!
    Hopefully, things will work out for the family reunion in July and we'll be able to see him (as well as all the rest of the family).
    You and John Michael are in our prayers and we're wishing you the very best with the new baby!
